Dear friends,

This is more a letter to myself than to you.

First you must log out of Neocities on all your phones and tablets. You can make your website mobile-friendly and view it on the phone as much as you want, but do not log in to the Neocities profile on your phone. Use it only when you are on a proper computer. You must not turn your Neocities profile into another social media feed.

Second, once you have updated your website and ensured all the links are working fine, do not come back to your Neocities profile for one whole day. What you have posted on your website isn’t supposed to stick out for a moment and then get buried in other people’s feeds. It’s going to stay there for years to come unless you choose to delete it. It shouldn’t matter how many likes and comments you get in the first few hours months. Your pages should be built to age well.

19th May, 2023

Yours &c., your friend Umbritzer